Man as an evolutionary social being

My dad told me of how my grandpa rode on his bicycle for an over 200 km journey that lasted at least 5 hours by road. There were no telephones to communicate, and relatives who left home had no means to reach out to their families once away. Little wonder Grandpa had to travel such a distance on a bicycle.


Man is a social being and oftentimes wants to associate with other human beings. I wonder how introverts live (no offense), but man does not live in isolation. It is healthy to walk or travel around and see beautiful places and people. Man does want to associate with and feel among people. Perhaps the advent of science and technology in the form of electronic gadgets helped to awaken and accentuate man's evolution as a social being.

The post office was a necessary tool for communication in the late 1990s. I grew up sending and receiving letters through the post office. Also, before the introduction of cellular phones in Nigeria, I wrote letters home (at least an eight-hour journey by road), and surprisingly, the letters got delivered, as I saw some of them when I got back home months later.

My first handset was in 2005 when I was in junior secondary school, and as expected, it was just for phone calls; there was barely any access to common social media like those of today. The reigning phones were the Techno 3310, Motorola, BlackBerry, etc.


The advent and improvement of cellular smartphones soon made the world a big family where users got exposed to different lifestyles, most often those of other cultures. These exposures culminated in the advanced social life that we have experienced today.

Social media users have learned quite significant and immeasurable information from social media that soon affected our social lives. The likes of Instagram, WhatsApp, Facebook, Reddit, Medium, YouTube, etc. have all influenced our view of the social life that we are often quick to emulate. I have seen little children sing songs joyfully after being exposed to social media activity, and a lot of tutorials have imparted knowledge to the upcoming generation.

Rather than stay home and alone, science and technology through gadgets like phones, televisions, etc. have brought the world to our doorsteps. An example is a travel agent who has never been to a country he is marketing yet and can give you convincing information about the foreign country. Science and technology have made man more of a social being, interacting with people of different races and religions.

The social life of man has evolved through our exposure to other cultures and information. Man is a social being, and we have evolved through stages such as letter writing using the post office to the use of cellular phones as a means of socializing.

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