A Holiday To Remember!

in Ecency Supportlast month

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What's your favorite way to travel and your most memorable trip?

My answer to the prompt:

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There are a few things I have found so fascinating in life, traveling by Sea, River, Lake (as far as it's a body of water), happens to be one of them. I caught the bug when I traveled on a small speed boat to visit my uncle, during one of my holidays. I was about 12 then and the very first time of venturing out of my mother's nest...lols.

My Uncle, Anselm, was my mother's eldest brother who was stationed in Bomadi, a small town surrounded by water. He was a Senior Technician with the Bomadi Local Government Council and lived in a housing estate over there. When he invited me to spend my holidays with him, I was ecstatic and hastily prepared my luggage to travel with him the next day.

So on that Monday, I travelled by water for the first time in my life. My uncle and I boarded a speedboat to ferry us across to base. I wasn't scared as I should be but rather enjoyed the cool lake breeze that even ruffled my short afro hair. I was excited traveling this route and I imagined how my classmates would go green with envy, when I told my experiences... Yeah!

The journey went well and the water was calm and there came a time when all I could see for kilometers on end was just water. Severally my Uncle asked if I was scared, I always answered in the negative.

Then came the best part, when we were about getting to shore, a wave passed and the way the boat bobbed up and down on the water, I felt like I was the actor in an espionage movie, going to rescue some of my allies held inside a strong tower (hey, I watched a lot of action-packed movies back then, and still do).

Soon we were ashore, the journey took us about thirty minutes and I regretted that it was over so soon. After the very memorable holiday, I went back the same way I came. It's the most memorable of all trips.

Since then, I have been on many cruises to enjoy myself, especially to hang out with friends and colleagues, I still find traveling by water the most enjoyable.

Thank you @ericvancewalton for the memoirmonday.


I've never journeyed on water before, but it's something I look forward to trying. At first though, I wouldn't want the journey to be so long, so, I can be sure if it's something I'd be willing to try for longer and/or over a long distance.

A lot of people are afraid of water... But I find it very adventurous... 😄
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