Yule Ball Season - Harry Potter Puzzles & Spells

Once of the things I enjoy about the Harry Potter Puzzles & Spells is how they lean into each holiday season so completely. I shared the Halloween loading screen in a previous post. One day when I opened up the app during the Christmas holiday season I saw the loading screen (screenshot below) which meant it was Yule Ball Season within the game. If you're a fan of the movies, then you'll recognize this look from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

Yule Season Loading Screen Harry Potter.jpg

New Year Surprise

It's always fun to get unexpected game surprises. I have to hand it to the developers of the game. They know how to keep players engaged through various seasons, special events, and random gifts. I continue to be quite pleased with my choice to make this my go-to mobile game once Harry Potter Wizards Unite shut down. I still miss the old game, but this new game has been a good alternative.

2023 Happy New Year Gift Harry Potter Game.jpg

The End

Then one day I opened up the app and Hermione greeted me to let me know the fun of Yule Ball Season was over. I have to say I was sad to see it go, but also quite happy with the game play experience.

End of Yule Ball Season.jpg


One of the fun things about the Yule Ball Season and the extra down time between Christmas and New Year was seeing my character level up to 55. I guess you could say I'm a hardcore and committed player. I'm totally okay with that because I enjoy myself and that's all that matters.

Level Up 55.jpg