Active Hive Users by Continent

in Hive Statistics2 years ago

Following from my previous post, I want to dig a little deeper into how the Hive userbase is distributed across the world.

Hive Users By Continent.png

To create the above chart I did some further cleanup of the data collected for the last post. Every location that is shared by two or more active Hive users is categorized into a country or unknown. Some locations indicate the broad geographic region (ie. the continent) but not the country, so those were also categorized separately and included in the above chart.

The same limitations apply to this data as before - it's only the small subset of users who choose to identify their location on their profile and were active posting or voting in the prior 30 days.

Still, we can see trends here, and it certainly seems that Hive is more popular in South America than anywhere else. That is mostly due to Venezuela and the diaspora of Venezuelans across the region.

I also have a revised chart of the top 20 countries after further clean up. It puts the US a little further ahead of Nigeria as many US users identify their location by their state or city code, and there are many variations on how to say "United States of America".

Hive user countries.png


I can see you are having fun with this. What about those who put world/earth/internet/everywhere? We had some inhabitants of other planets too.

Every Hiver counts!

Feel free to make a chart of all the extra terrestrial and fantasy locations that Hivers have set. There are too many to count.

Africa not doing bad though in the statistics 🙂.

Wow so there are many south Americans here. Quite impressive to. Still trying to fantom between Asia and Europe, who dominate the hive blockchain.

In the case of Africa, it is almost all Nigeria. The second highest is Ghana with only 20 active users.

Wow. This is very impressive. Thanks for showing us this. We're committed to adding up more users through promotional initiatives to raise the bar of Africa.