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RE: Over 350 Venezuelans earned more than the Minimum Wage blogging on Hive in October

in Hive Statisticslast year

Can You Actually Earn a Living by Blogging on Hive?

An honest answer is: it depends on how you want to live, how much you need for services, food and other necessities.

Also how much money for vices if you have it.

For me Hive is the possibility to save and I have never made power down to my account, I feel Hive as my property because here I invest my time and teach others to love Hive as I do. If we all row towards awakening that love for Hive and doing a more detailed work on the platform, we will surely achieve that there will be less power down on Hive.

To live from Hive in Venezuela I need to be in that list of those 140 hivers 😅

For me the viralization of Hive is important and no matter the country, it positions us in this digital world.

I enjoyed reading you and the opinions.