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RE: Over 350 Venezuelans earned more than the Minimum Wage blogging on Hive in October

Venezuela is a very complex country, I think the lowest salary I know would be $20 a week and that is quite precarious since a single chicken can be worth up to $10. I always say that hive allows us to live with dignity while working on something we like to do and inspires us to improve, at least I have improved my quality of life in just one year that I have been on the platform and it has even allowed me to discover talents that I did not even I knew that I had, for example, the creation of audiovisual content and that's a plus, it's not just a job where you earn more and that's it, it becomes your company and you want it to grow more and more every day.

I have been working in this company for exactly one year and it has gone much better than working in the private sector in my country, and this is quite commentable and worthy of investigation. Thanks for the mention and sorry for my English, I'm using a translator.