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RE: Hive is beginning to take off in Cuba?

in Hive Statisticslast year

I hope we will see Hive break out in various niches. It may just take a few people really pushing it in their communities. I've created a little cluster amongst my musician friends. I do get that it can be hard work though.


The really cool thing is, one community taking off or just becoming established can really make it easier for an adjacent community to get going. I will try and investigate further, but I suspect the size of the Spanish-speaking Venezuelan community on Hive has likely made it easier for the Cuban community to get going, for one thing providing content in the same language, but also potentially allowing the exchange infrastructure to be available and more liquid. I have seen that @orinoco is available in other South and Central American countries, but I haven't confirmed that it's also available in Cuba.

I have not been able to interact with orinoco, we use coinex. I can't tell you if there is a way to use orinoco. Anyway we have @hiveremesas.