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RE: The Brit List: March 2023

in Hive Statisticslast year

Sounds like you still have the British spirit, so I would think it's okay to use the tag. I don't control the votes from it, so the owner has the final say. We do see some abuse of it, but it's not like they will make much.

I feel for you if you can't get good beer.

!BEER is not quite the same.


Actually PH has some decent Beer and it's a lot cheaper, not sure how much a pint is anymore but a beer here is about 1GBP. What's hard to get is some decent English Sausages or a White meat fish (For Fish & Chips of course), I have to have them transported in from Manila as I live out in the provinces. I know it sounds funny but I miss waking up and it's freezing, being tucked up in the duvet and having the heater on, haha. Thanks for the info, much appreciated.