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RE: Hive Statistics – 2020.07.05

in Hive Statistics4 years ago

Hmmm! A veritable smorgasbord of data!

Parts of this information look a little concerning, however when we take in the sheer length of time some of the charts cover the story is not far more understandable. 5 + 6 do imply that a corner may have been turned. Oh I do sincerely hope so.

There feels a certain spirit of rebirth in parts of the community, within those pockets sentiment and intention feels tangible and full of belief. Those communities need to start being a lot more evenly spread I think... I suspect that will come as people find their niche.

I have set myself a must do list for things I wish to learn, get involved with and help to flourish including onboarding via traditional social media, supporting ideas that bring far more liquidity to Hive itself. I am not a Dev in any way shape or form BUT I have long held a feeling that...

If we reach a critical mass of non-technical community members doing what is in their remit to bring the community to the next level, it WILL happen!

Those with energy and a vision for the potential of our community must be fostered and encouraged and supported.

D'you know I do believe we are going to hit a growth spell soon... I feel it.

Nice work on bringing a visual representation to the jumbled assumptions that live in our heads.