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RE: Welcome to Thorn Charmings

Covid mandates from a philosophical (mostly) perspective

For instance, lets say that there is a pandemic that could kill a 20% of the population.
Would then, the mandates be justified? Would libertarians and freedom lovers "concede" for the "greater good" ? If (on their majority) they did, that would imply that their resistance is not solely ideological, but takes in consideration medical factors and terminology, such as mortality rate and cases.
Ideally, as cruel as it sounds, someone who opposes mandates only based on an ideological/philosophical reason, would oppose them even if the mortality rate was at about 50% (half the earth population would die)

Of course , had this been this case, majority of people would voluntarily isolate themselves, but there would still be a small percentage that wouldnt. And you know, based on the mainstream narrative, their disobedience is the reason covid is not over yet. Imagine what would happen in a pandemic that would have 3 billion people, to perish. Would it be my right to disobey?

(if i did not make it clear, i value liberty and voluntarism more than anythin. Hence, i truly enjoy reading you.)