Red sun on green grass sunsetphotography

in Sunset Photography2 years ago (edited)

Hello friends how are you all greetings to all good morning hope everyone is well and healthy by God's infinite grace I am also very well and healthy.

Who doesn't feel good when they wake up in the morning and see such a beautiful sun, and if the mind is good, everyone's body and everything around becomes beautiful.

Who doesn't like the sight of the red sun on the green grass reaching out and greeting us without crossing any barriers?

I try to enjoy every moment of natural beauty and I love to see them because if we women's relationship with nature is not good and what is natural if we can't love then what kind of people how can we live in this society.

We are able to live well in this society only because of nature because nature is our only true friend who loves us selflessly and we sometimes forget nature.

Selfless in the world if someone loves it is natural beauty or natural you can talk to nature share your thoughts be it happy or sad you can share everything with nature

And I always present to you natural beauty pictures because I have always said that both natural beauty pictures and natural beauty are very important to me.

All the pictures are captured by my own mobile hope you will like the pictures

Until today, everyone will be fine, stay healthy, pray for me, thank you all for being with me

Thanks for visiting my blog




I am Md:Abu Raihan, an expatriate by profession.I have been living abroad for many years.I like blogging on online platforms the most. I always try to maintain a good relationship with my friends. So whenever I have time in my work I like blogging and photography I try to love people so that people love me


My picture captions:

Photography flowers

Location Malaysia

Camera used 4.71 Mm, f/1.0, (iso100)

Mobile Model Oppo_A95

Photographer @Abu Raihan



Have a good day


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