Location Malaysia Sunset Photography 📸📸🌅🌅


Hello Sunset Photography Lover Friends,
Good morning
How are you all Hope you are well and healthy. Alhamdulillah I am also well and healthy. Today English 8/6/2022 I will present to you Surya Photography from Malaysia.

Slavery is not selfless. To leave the world. One day, we all came to this world for a few days. We just have to be guests again. It is a great desire for us to be able to enjoy beauty.

There is no point in thinking that we can spend our whole life smiling. There is no point in thinking that the more a person thinks, the faster he goes into depression.

The madman never thinks about the same scientific unfamiliarity with natural beauty, how this natural beauty appears to us again and again and revolves around the same time over and over again, always a scientific sign in thoughtfulness.

Picture Photography
•Category Sunset
•Camera Used Handphone
•Model vivo on 15y
•Photographer @mdsahin111
•Location Aceh / Malaysia
Software Editing Adobe Lightroom
So friends, this was today's blog. I hope you like it. If you like it, you must let us know through comments. I hope everyone will be fine and healthy. May Allah bless you.

Many thanks to liketu and @Sunset Photography curator.

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