Sunrise at Alma Bay Magnetic Island Australia πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ί

in Sunset Photography β€’ 3 years ago

Here on the east coast of Australia the sun rises over the ocean. So while we where staying on Magnetic Island off the coast of Townsville the best place to watch the sunrise is Alma Bay 😊


Alma Bay is a beautiful bay located on the east side of Magnetic Island. During the day it is the perfect spot for a swim.


As the bay is surrounded by large boulders which make for a magnificent landscape.


This bay is also great to go for a snorkel and check out the world beneath the water.

But my favourite part is a swim at sunrise.


The water is a bit fresh at first but once you dive in it is very refreshing.


In my opinion, this is the best way to start the day on Magnetic Island.
It was fun trying to line up @terrybogan with the sun rays in the water, I think it turned out to be a cool shot πŸ€™


I took these pics on my huawei p20 phone.

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This was def the best way to start a day on Magnetic πŸŒ…πŸ˜πŸ‘Œ and would so love to be chilling at Alma Bay right now 😊

Yep it sure was!! What an amazing bay this was.
Let's see what Northfoke Island has in store for us 😊

Welcome In #SunsetPhotography ....

It's beautiful to start / sunrise the dawn in your area, we are waiting for the #SunsetPhotography pictures to arrive here...

Thank you, it's a great idea for a community!
Yes It sure is a great way to start the day 😊

@vcclothing Welcome on #SunsetPhotography ,

Have fun with us

Thank you it's great to be apart of this Community!
I look forward to share and see Sunsets from around the world 😊

That's our main goal πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

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Love the joyful arms up in the air in each photo, a great way to show us your fun time.
I have not been to Alma Bay despite living in Queensland, but one of these days I just may get there!

It's a great way to start the day.
I hope you get to visit magnetic Island one day, it realy is a beautiful island 😊