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RE: What are Resource Credits?

in LearnHive4 years ago

This is really good info and for intermediate users it might be exactly what they should be learning. For some of the people I'm inviting it might be way over their head.

Nevertheless, thanks for this awesome tutorial! How much should a brand new user have in HP in order to post without running into any issues?


Yup, it’s still too complex for a new user vs the simplicity of something like Twitter. It’s like a rate limit on those tho. Might edit the post to add that. If you post too much, twitter slows you down, same here. If you interact too much on hive, you get limited, but that limit grows as you stake.

Somewhere between 15-30 is a good amount, as long as you aren’t voting and commenting on very single post you see and are doing genuine interaction. That and not using anything that might do a lot of custom_json, like hive-engine or splinterlands.