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RE: Is One the Lonliest Number?

in HiveBloPoMo3 years ago (edited)

No, the only thing I do with the Pines Cones was glitter them, but it's because the kids loved all things glitter! And I've never seen giant pine cones like they had except for in Northwest Florida on the Panhandle which I find really strange. The biggest pine cones I've ever seen was in the mountains and in Florida. Anyway I actually did to use pine cones for fire starters but I haven't done that for a while because now my fireplaces are all gas. The weird thing about that is when this house was built I was against gas fireplaces but the Builder talked and talked about what an advantage it was so it became a done deal. I have a real fireplace in every room at the shore because it's an old house and that was their heat. So, if I ever get a hankering for a real fireplace, I could just go there. To be honest with you, walking over to my wall and flipping a switch has been the best thing I have ever done. It heats up the house like toast and I don't even hardly ever put the heat on. I have one on each floor so it's evenly distributed if I want. Okay, enough about my fireplaces.

I am very excited about getting Christmas going and I will probably start that when I get home. I probably won't put out as much as I normally do but it'll be way more than enough. I think I'm going to change the outside a little bit this year. The world certainly needs a little bit more happy. I'm depending on you! Thanks so much for stopping by and I hope you have an amazing day. Love to you!


I have already been thinking today that I might start the pre-decorating cleanup tonight. Although I haven't meant to pull stuff out till next week, some of it might start this weekend. Time will tell.

Did you order a junkyard heart or did you decide against it for now? Just curious and none of my beezwax, but .... tell me anyway.