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RE: Is One the Lonliest Number?

in HiveBloPoMo3 years ago

Nooo! It is a total eclipse. (oops! I looked back up to see, the eclipse was yesterday's post!) No, that was moon shot during the afternoon. :)

It's true! I was awed by the sheer size of them, and spraying them gold and tossing them with glitter makes life fun. :) I am doing well and have nothing to really complain about. How about you? I gave up that other thing, I don't have time and barely keep up here.

I like to answer all of them and try really hard, but, so many slip through the cracks! Thanks for stopping by and leaving your words!

Hive on!


I'm doing well and thank you for asking.

I understand about the other spot. I've noticed a big change for awhile now and the engagement leaves a lot to be desired. Many of the people I used to interact with left and I feel like ignoring the comments on some days.

Thank goodness for @ace108 and @old-guy-photos and a few others over there as I get a little more stimulation or at least a good laugh between our postings.

Hive is fun and overwhelming too. I think I'm still in the bottom tier on here but I've met some fun people. You're kicking butt and taking names as usual and super busy from what I see.

I'll need to post something of substance sooner rather than later on here and get back in the groove. I've been reading a lot of people's work and attempting to interact more which is fun 🙂

Great to hear from you as usual

They are fun over there but I find it I am listing you waited over there and it's become not very fun and I don't want to answer 10 + 15 spammers. So I've actually skipped a day maybe two and you know you get punished for doing that. LOL well good luck over there but I think I'm going to be hanging it up. I don't have that kind of time but I thought I would give it a try. It's just gotten too lame for me. Maybe it'll change but I doubt it.

They are fun over there but I find it I am listing you waited over there and it's become not very fun and I don't want to answer 10 + 15 spammers. So I've actually skipped a day maybe two and you know you get punished for doing that. LOL well good luck over there but I think I'm going to be hanging it up. I don't have that kind of time but I thought I would give it a try. It's just gotten too lame for me. Maybe it'll change but I doubt it. I think I've honestly found that I can only do one site well and then I just don't have time in my life to spread myself that then. I would love to know how everybody else does it unless I'm just slow. Hey you have a good night!