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RE: Moon Monday - The First Quarter Moon, November 11th, 2021

in HiveBloPoMo3 years ago

Oh!! Your moon shots are superb! Regardless of what people say, those are hard shots to get!! Awesomeness!

Lat time I cleaned the fridge and took a picture, posted it not too long ago. How is yours coming along?



Now I know where market Friday comes from Denise, not only in is your fridge clean and organised, it's also so healthy.

:) It tastes better that way, healthy, and I can find it when it is organized!

Thank you Denise - you've given me the perfect cop out - my fridge will never look as AMAZING as yours, so why bother trying? 🤣

Seriously, this is totally a magazine cover worthy photo. And I think @livinguktaiwan is right on the money. 😊