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RE: Whispering into the Darkness

in HiveBloPoMo3 years ago

A wonderful read as always
Now some find the thought of being eclectic an insult or a bad thing but I do not I look on it as being free flowing and not bound down to one path

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :), I truly enjoy exploring the world virtually each Wednesday seeing walks from all around the globe and feeling I am there and experiencing it all myself, such as I did in your post just now :)


Haha! Who are you calling eclectic? :) It is always a little free-flowing, no matter how I try to contain it. It starts out with a purpose, then finds an alley to run down.

Le sigh.

I love what you do with #WednesdayWalk! It is fun to wander through the different posts as they show off their part of the world and where their wanderings take them. Thank you for hosting it! I hope you are having a great day!

HMMM, well its not so much I called you Eclectic, I think you did
"My apologies for only taking a few pictures and inserting them on a post I changed direction on, I believe they call that eclectic"
and I don't think its a bad thing anyway, I often wander off in all directions when writing a post, even when I have a clear theme with the photos
So far so good, went out early to the supermarket, and saw glorious colors in the sky, but didn't have my camera as it was to cool for me, got my steps in at the mall, found out they open two hours earlier for walkers, and now a quiet day ahead other than getting the booster shot at 4

Haha! You are right! I forgot about that! I wrote it at midnight. :) Most of the Malls open early to give people a safe place to walk in the early hours and warm! They started that years ago and I think it was a great idea. They were there anyway, getting the Mall ready for opening, so it was a nice thing to do and really garnered points with people. The cooler skies seem to give off interesting colors to me. I get more pinks and cotton candy skies, which I would have to believe to be summer skies. The most brilliant skies I have taken are winter skies, even though the summer ones are amazing.

Booster at 4? Good luck. Did you get your regular flu shot yet? Hey, you! You are already way ahead of me. Slow down, you move too fast!

I think it’s a great idea I much prefer outdoor walks with my camera of course but I have to sometimes be sensible lol

But the winter sunrises can be amazing so I may go out occasionally

Yes I have had my flu shot

To be honest not yo my credit being up with the Covid shots one of the family here runs a couple of ambulance companies one if who does the vaccines and he texted us yesterday to come to his place to get the shots

That's right! I think you said Mark does. That's great for you and Lulu!

It’s marks wife’s brother actually
He is doing so well took over the company he worked fir when the owner retired and has started two more related companies he works so hard but with a plan to retire in a few years

That is awesome! Just the way it should be done!