The Shows You Keep Going Back to - HiveBloPoMo 10

in HiveBloPoMo2 years ago


With all of the choices of entertainment available to us - the plethora of new shows and movies available on demand and on a whim - there are always some shows that a person keeps going back to. There are a number of shows that are on my backlog of Thing To Watch, and the list keeps growing longer with each passing week, but there's one that I keep going back to time and again: Battlestar Galactica.

No, not this one:


This one:

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It's funny that although I never seem to have the time to watch new shows, but I always have the time to go back to re-watch this one.

When this reboot mini series was first announced I remember being very excited, then concerned, wary and, ultimately thrilled. This Galactica was not one's typical science fiction fare; they used bullets, not lasers, wore suits and ties, not capes and medallions, and had very, very real problems. This was a Galactica which used science fiction to analyse the real world around us, our political problems, interpersonal issues, and the state of humankind. Yes, it was filled with science fiction (faster the light jump drives are yet to exist) and fantasy (it was full of premonition and scriptural references), but at it's core it was all about real people with real problems facing the end of their very existence.

The show, of course, is about the remnants of humanity - less than 50,000 remain - struggling to survive in the cold darkness of outer space against a robotic enemy of their own creation. It's dark. It's rough. People keep dying, and the examination of what society becomes when society ends is dismal, concerning, and depressing.

Yet the determination of mankind is also celebratory. There are moments of the show which give you cause to leap out of your chair and cheer in triumph as these last few stragglers manage to eek another minor victory out of sure defeat and annihilation. When Starbuck returns, triumphant, from isolation on a dead planet after being show down in battle, the crew's celebration is ours as well. When the crew manages to score a victory and claim for their own a mine full of fuel, we cheer with the survivors, despite the precious losses incurred in obtaining that victory.

I think the draw for me of this show is that, despite it's bleakness, it examines us for who we are and makes apparent all our strengths and all our foibles. I cannot think of a better portrayal of humanity than what we see in this show.

What are any shows out there that you keep going back to, time and again? Do they scare you? Frighten you? Or just make you feel good?

(c) All images and photographs, unless otherwise specified, are created and owned by me.
(c) Victor Wiebe

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Amateur photographer. Wannabe author. Game designer. Nerd. 
General all around problem-solver and creative type.

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That is a good one...very Gnostic! Those old school Archon haters would have approved, too!

I don't watch too many shows any longer, but...every once in a while I'll watch an old school Ghosthunters or Ghost Adventures, and I have to say, I can still get into the ones that have something going on with them.

I still put on Ghost Adventures during dinner, or when I'm otherwise in the front room working on something. I think it'd be a fun drinking game to down a shot every time someone yells out "Dude!"

I still remember the early episodes quite a bit (I think I had them on DVD at one point). The old Ancient Ram Inn...awesome! Lol

People keep waking up to find they are robots. LOl. Perhaps that was the real mystery behind what I agree is an amazing piece of science fiction. I would struggle to find a better example ... perhaps the Matrix.

People keep waking up to find they are robots.

This is true. Most people are go to full time (8 hours or more per day) work every day, but it is like running in the hamster wheel. Fortunately/luckily more and more people are able to get out of it, thank you to cryptocurrency.

There is truth in that:)Many of us are refining our humanity on this blockchain for example:)

Refining, or re-defining. :)

Refining:) We are so changeable that there is not point in defining or redefining. Me thinks:)

The Matrix was really creepy. That one caused many a person to suffer an existential crisis.

If you are not looking to define yourself then there is never any existential crisis. Just a shrug and adaptation.

The Matrix! Sweet Jesus! The reality perceived by humans is actually the Matrix. I love to scare myself to sleep.

And the Half-Life 2 (2004) video game is also a good reference. Taking away the personality of the people by requiring them to wear masks. Except that the process literally happens in the game. Making soldiers without emotions for the CP (Civil Protection), the combine and the universal union. The story of this game is worth a check, if someone does not know what I am talking about.

Have you ever googled "creepypasta glitch in the matrix"? If you haven't, due so at your own peril.


Now, I can almost not stand myself if I don't. Or not. Hmmmmm. This could be that double-edged sword kind of thing.

Thanks, @wwwiebe !!

What are any shows out there that you keep going back to, time and again?

The shitshow from life itself. It constantly shovels shit in my (and in other people's) face, but it does not scare/frighten me. No matter what will happen, it will happen. The show must go on.