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RE: DNA SPECIES HUNT - BIRDS - Identified & Described Species - 2022 - January

in DNA Citizen Science β€’ 2 years ago (edited)

Hi There Everyone ^^

Today we I like to present to you another compilation post of the BIRDS of the DNA Species Hunt 😍

The entries in this compilation are the collected 6 entries in the IDENTIFIED & DESCRIBED BIRDS channel in our DNA DISCORD server from the month of JANUARY ^^

For this edition I like to thank @marianomariano @nelinoeva @pardinus @thebigsweed for their aewesome contributions during that month 😁 .. I also like to thank @nelinoeva for spotting and collecting all these great posts in the DNA discord server .. THANK YOU VERY MUCH 😌

From now on, every author will be rewarded with 5 Nature Coins for each entry that is shown in this compilation .. This said, I wish you all a great and educational read through all of these awesome posts πŸ‘‹

Best wishes,

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Thank you @adalger for putting them together.
I must say I learned a lot about the birds and keep on learning and expanding my knowledge, thanks to such awesome posts.

It is great to look out for them, right? .. I always enjoyed the Insects so much in the beginning and it was so amazing to read all these great information, but now that you are submitting so many birds too, it is like there is a new page in an zoology lexicon every day that opens up in the Hiveasphere 😜

Well said @adalger. It is like a new page and I am happy to find these posts. The world of birds is wonderful. πŸ˜€