kidz geology lesson, or a trip into the past (story +14 fotos)

in SaturdayMemories3 years ago (edited)

Back in May, 2013...


...we had travelled deep into the past. It happened at St.Petersburg's suburbs area. That was an intresting trip -- we teamed up with 6 other families for an educational excursion across some ancient hills, to explain our babies some things about geology.

What the Geology is?

and how to explain it to your kid, if you are not PRO about it? Fortunately, a friend of our friend was a geologist, or at least had knowledge in this field - my memory did not retain such nuances. And once the idea was born to arrange a joint excursion - not far, to the suburbs - where ancient soils have been preserved. This girl promised to tell our children the history of our land, and most importantly, the children would be able to visually touch and touch all this - sometimes it is much better than reading a book or looking at pictures.

Oдин из друзей наших друзей был геологом, или во всяком случае имел знания в этой области - моя память не сохранила таких нюансов. И однажды в кругу наших знакомых, имевших детей, делавших совместные инет-закупки и разделявших любовь к слинго-ношению, родилась идея устроить совместную экскурсию - недалеко, в местный пригород - где сохранились древние почвы. Эта девушка пообещала рассказать нашим детям историю нашей земли, а главное, дети смогли бы наглядно все это пощупать и потрогать - иногда это гораздо лучше, чем читать книжку или разглядывать картинки. Ну и просто побеситься на свежем воздухе. От нас требовалось оплатить проезд, взять еды для ланча, и главное необходимое условие было - захватить с собой молоток!

We were required to pay the fare, bring some food for a lunch, and most importantly to bring a hammer, as a tool! At the time I was not yet a blogger yet... but I already had a camera. Therefore, from that trip I have a lot of photos, mostly landscapes and children. But not a single photo of our hammer! This idea didn't even visited my mind - to photograph my own hammer, why? what for? Now I am a wise blogger and I know that a picture of a hammer is a necessary thing. And a lot of other different things too, that may click on the memories (and decorate my Saturday Memories post). You need to photograph everything! you never know in advance, which photo you might need, all of a sudden.

От нас требовалось оплатить проезд, взять еды для ланча, и главное - захватить молоток! Тогда я еще не был блогером... но камера у меня уже была. Поэтому от той поездки у меня осталось много фотографий, в основном это пейзажи и детки. А вот фотографии молотка - нет! Мне тогда и в голову не пришло фотографировать молоток, зачем? Теперь то я умудренный блогер и знаю, что фотография молотка очень нужна. Фотографировать надо всё! ты никогда не знаешь заранее, какая фотка тебе внезапно может понадобиться.


My baby was a 3,5 years toddler then, of course we didnt give her a hammer. (Someone else's infant on the photo above). Older children and their parents used hammers to crush large stones (actually, chunks of hard clay) into small pieces, and children sorted them and joyfully looked there for a prey.

Нашей крошке тогда было 3 с половиной, и молоток мы ей конечно не доверили. Дети более старшего возраста и их родители молотками дробили глину на мелкие осколки, а дети их сортировали и радостно искали там добычу. На фотке (при увеличении) видно, что моя детка нашла ракушку какой-то улитки... впрочем, я не уверен, что древней и окаменелой.


My baby have found something! The photo (click to see in hi-res) shows that my baby found a shell of a snail ... I'm not sure that it is ancient and fossilized one.




The ancient clay was fossilized and tough, but this place had a lot of quite modern clay - fresh, sticky and dirty. The photo captures a funny moment ... do you think this is a punishment for the son have listened poorly to the lesson or misbehaved himself with a hammer? not! it is simply a scene of taking off his rubber boots.

Древняя глина была окаменелой и прочной, но это место имело много вполне современной глины - свежей, липкой и грязной. На фотографии запечатлен смешной момент... думаете, это наказание за то что сын плохо слушал урок или хулиганил с молотком? нет! это просто-напросто сцена снимания резиновых сапог.

Between these two high clay hills, at the bottom of a small valley, there was a stream, and of course the children wanted to play in it. Children's attention does not withstand the educational process for a long time, which is why the opportunity to add games to the educational process is priceless, an ideal solution that increases the digestion of educational material and involvement in the process.

RU: Между этих двух высоких глиняных холмов, на дне маленькой долины протекал ручей, и конечно же дети захотели в нем поиграть. Детское внимание не долго выдерживает учебный процесс, вот почему возможность добавить в учебный процесс игры - бесценна, идеальное решение, которое увеличивает переваривание учебного материала и вовлеченность в процесс.



Многие дети конечно испачкались в глине, и пошли мыть руки. И хотя ручей был очень очень мелкий, и погода была не очень теплая (это была середина мая) - они решили купаться!

(My baby is on the right here). Of course, many children got dirty in clay, they went to wash their hands. And although the stream was very very shallow, and the weather was not very warm (it was mid-May) - they decided to swim!



By the way, we had a bunch of photographers in the company - in this shot my good friend is a professional photographer and super slingo mom Olna Urvantseva, and to her right is a photographer Yevgeny Mokharev.

Кстати, у нас была куча фотографов - в этом кадре моя хорошая знакомая профессинальный фотограф и супер слинго-мама Ольна Урванцева, а справа от нее фотограф Евгений Мохарев.


In that area, there were growing these huge plants 2-3 meters high, hogweed (in Russian: борщевики). It is a poisonous plant. In May, of course, they were not yet there - but the stems that had overwintered since last year were everywhere. This fantastic dry forest taller than human was another strong impression from that trip.

В той местности росли огромные растения - высотой в 2-3 метра (по русски называется: борщевик). Это ядовитое растение. В мае, конечно, их еще не было - но везде торчали стебли, перезимовавшие с прошлого года. Этот фантастический сухой лес выше человеческого роста был еще одним сильным впечатлением, оставшимся с той поездки.



On this point I will round up my story. In the evening we returned home - tired and happy. I do not remember that we found foccils of ammonites and belemnites, but this was not the main thing: the educational process, our first geology lesson was outstanding!

This is a post for #saturdaymemories initiative, initiated by @olga.maslievich.
I welcome @rocky1, @canadian-coconut, @appreciator, @upmewhale, @darthknight, @ranchorelaxo to check the post and enjoy the visuals.


Your trip is exciting! I feel the energy of the mountains from your photos! By the way, in the Carpathians where I was, Borschovyk grows taller than me :)
Thank you for participating in #saturdaymemories

thank you, olga - I glad you enjoyed my story
St.Petersburg has no mountains! we are located on a plain surface. amazing this was, that this plain area has some hidden gems, like these (low) hills of ancient clays. I have left with nice memories from that day, indeed - thanks to the camera. They would have been erased totally by this time, if not the camera and my shots.


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You are always welcome Qwerrie. A !WINE for the whole troop :P

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troop or trip? troop means a gang :P
anyway, thank you for the !WINE -- those warm saturday memories go so well with red wine. cheers!

Precisely troop, it is a joking (or not? XD) definition of a group of people in my language.

ok, joke accepted :-)

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Week 45 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

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hello dear friend @qwerrie good night
I admire your post, you always present beautiful things
You not only present beautiful photographs, you are also very good at writing what happened in the image.
Congratulations on this beautiful experience,

enjoy the rest of the weekend

Yay! 🤗
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Looks like so much fun! And the stuff that your babies got up to and into were exactly the kind of thing my babies would have gotten into at the same age XD

and in the case of finding water to swim/play in, what a couple of them would be doing to this day XD

What an awesome way to learn geology, and probably quite a few things like biology and geography that you may not have been consciously thinking about at the time :)

it was, indeed. sadly we dont have a lot of cases like that! this was rather an exception. schooling should not be boring! chemistry, biology, music -- these have an immense field for creativity, and they can perfectly adjust / direct child's interests to study the certain fields of knowledge and practical activity (in the future). I think this was a cool lesson!

Да уж... ядовитый лес. Благо сухой уже.

Great trip .... I like to explore and I would dig and look for it .. As a child I dreamed of being an Archaeologist 🤗
I see you enjoyed ...@qwerrie 😊

As a child I dreamed of being an Archaeologist

oh!! thats sweet to hear. And I wanted to be a biologist, in my school classes. than I changed my mind. I have a friend who took part few times as a simple tech worker in Archaeologist expeditions (in the Crimea). I really hope one day I could venture the same deal, she told me such an intresting colorful stories about her months in the expedition!

Nice occupation, but I also believe hard ... When you are younger, it seems simple ... You travel, dig a little and find everything
That would be nice.. 🤗
I also believe that as a worker you see and learn everything ... Use it if you can attend archeological excavations @qwerrie
Have a nice day 🌞
I visited Viminacium and I wanted to jump over the fence and at least touch what they found ...🤭