(ENG/SPA) Her ghost in The Fog Music Video Review with Spoilers

in YouHive7 days ago

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Music Videos are not just music, they are largely stories that may or may not have logic and beyond that, they transmit sensations that can amplify the intention of the music, many times we liked the video first than the song.

This review is focused on the video called Her Ghost in The Fog by the band Cradle of Filth of which the main sensation it transmits me is nostalgia, it makes me remember times of adolescence and rebellion.

Its story is confusing, even today I don't know for sure what it wants to convey but I do know that I was amazed by two of its three characters whom I call The Woodcutter and The Snow Queen.

The WoodCutter is the character that presents this ambiguous story, there are so many times that I have imitated the way in which his introduction is given in the video, his character has so much presence, his actor I don't even know his name, I don't know if he is still alive but I know that he will remain eternal for the fans of this video that are many, it is one of the first videos of the band. The funniest thing is that I call him a lumberjack but I don't really know if his character is a lumberjack, I encourage you to watch my video review where I do a slight imitation of his character.

The Snow Queen is added later in the story, she is a beautiful young woman lost in the ice forest, at least that's how I see her, the expressions of the actress along with her makeup and gothic costume is what makes me fall in love with her. With this character I have a good storytelling which is the following, the video was uploaded to youtube 16 years ago and in those times I didn't know English but wow I caught when the singer says A Queen of Snow, these videos are not only to watch, they help to strengthen the English by the motivation they give to want to know what happens.

Aspects to criticize of the Music Video:

  • The third character that appears in the story is a ghost too crappy, I perceive that it doesn't even come close to the presence of the characters that I already mentioned and that left me watching that video over and over again.

  • It's at most 240 pixels, if you dare to watch, you'll notice the power of those bad pixels.

My video review is basically what I just wrote with the addition of my imitation of the character of El Leñador, I hope you watch it and let me know what you think of my imitation, the video and the ambiguous story it wants to tell.

filth reseñas.jpg

source of image

Los Videos Musicales no son solo música, son en gran parte historias que pueden tener lógica o no y más allá de eso, nos transmiten sensaciones que pueden amplificar la intención de la música, muchas veces nos gustó primero el video que la canción.

Esta reseña está enfocada en el video llamado Her Ghost in The Fog del grupo Cradle of Filth del cual la mayor sensación que me transmite es nostalgia, me hace recordar tiempos de adolescencia y rebeldía.

Su historia es confusa, aun hoy no se con certeza que quiere transmitir pero si sé que me maravillaron dos de sus tres personajes a quienes llamo El Leñador y La Reina de La Nieve.

El Leñador es el personaje que presenta esta historia ambigua, son tantas las veces que he imitado la manera en que se da su introducción en el video, tiene tanta presencia su personaje, su actor ni siquiera sé cómo se llama, no sé si sigue vivo pero sé que quedara eterno para los fans de este video que son muchos, es uno de los primeros videos de la banda. Lo más gracioso es que yo le digo leñador pero en realidad no sé si su personaje es un leñador, animo a ver mi video reseña donde hago una ligera imitación de su personaje.

La Reina de La Nieve se añade luego en la historia, es una preciosa joven perdida en el bosque de hielo, al menos así la veo, las expresiones de la actriz junto con su maquillaje y vestuario gótico es lo que me enamora de ella. Con este personaje tengo un buen storytelling que es el siguiente, el video fue subido a youtube hace 16 años y en esos tiempos no sabía ingles pero vaya que capte cuando el cantante dice A Queen of Snow, estos videos no son solo para ver, ayudan fortalecer el inglés por la motivación que dan de querer saber lo que sucede.

Aspectos a criticar del Video Musical:

  • EL tercer personaje que aparece en la historia es un fantasma demasiado cutre, percibo que no llega ni de cerca a la presencia de los personajes que ya mencione y que me dejaron viendo ese video una y otra vez.
  • Esta como máximo en 240 pixeles, si se animan a ver, notaran el poder de esos malos pixeles.

Mi video reseña es básicamente lo que acabo de escribir con el añadido de mi imitación al personaje de El Leñador, espero se animen a ver y me digan que tal les pareció mi imitación, el video y esa historia ambigua que quiere contar.

I dedicate each and every one of my posts and videos to my little dog named princess, we called her chiquito, she is no longer with us but from heaven she will see that her existence was valuable and the most beautiful thing that will exist in my heart and soul.


filth poster.jpg

Source of Image



the source of the thumbnail is a screenshot I took of me in my video and edited with paint

Source of the youtube Video


Source of Images 1 and 2 are captures taken from the following video

My Social Networks: YOUTUBE

Translated with DeepL Translate (Free Version)

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thanks happy whaleX 😃

Wowww what a video! And what a review!!! I've never seen that band, I don't watch much or listen to much of that kind of music but the video clip in terms of performance and characters is great!!!! I said to myself what is this!!! Awesome!!!

Excellent review Oscar!😃

ajajjj ese video lo vi hae mucho tiempo, uno de mis favoritos, grato al fin poder traerlo y reseñarlo como si fuera una historia, la historia que cuenta el video musical, espero nos traigas alguno tuyo pronto 😃

Te referís a un video de música?? Con todo gusto!! De mis más favoritos!!🤣

prome i dont understand what you say in the video :(
wtf prome i just watched the video omg it's pure metal and the singer's voice is crazy hahahahaha
you have to see my face jajajajja

asi mas o menos

aajajjajaj lo importante es que viste el video, ese es uno de mis favoritos desde hace mucho tiempo, la banda bueno asi es ese tipo de genero musical 😅, espero nos traigas alguna reseña de algun video musial que te haya encantado su historia, la historia que cuenta ese video para animarme a ver tus videos favoritos 😃

Yo me quedé igual!!!

I didn't know this group, but the aesthetics really impress.


vaya que si aunque en este caso es la historia del video lo que me parece mas llamativo es como una historia siniestra de blanca nieves 😅

Bueno, Blancanieves ya es una historia bastante macabra, llena de maldad, envidia y muerte. O así la veo yo 😅

solo he visto la de disney jajaja, esa es sana 😃

Si, la otra está en mi cabeza 😁

I love songs that have a music video with a story, whether it makes sense or not, I think the music video adds another kind of emotion to the song. We can see the effects, the singer, the instrumentalists in some cases, the stage and they add that plus to the song that makes us love it more haha

And also, if it's in english, you can learn with them 😂 you can feel the emotion when you understand an english word or phrase 👀

yes they are and they are great stories, in fact they make an effort to get that story to reach more people, so the singer and his song reach more people

I don't know why, but I remembered the Killer Cosers, 😁😁. It's hard to understand Danny Filth pronuntiation, I don't like Black Metal, but I like Dimmu Borgier (Tropi Burger my friends used to call him, 🤣).

No sé por qué, pero me acordé de las Cosers Asesinas, 😁😁. Es difícil entender la pronunciación de Danny Filth pronuntiation, no me gusta el Black Metal, pero me gusta Dimmu Borgier (Tropi Burger le decían mis amigos, 🤣).

ajajajaj los buenos de tropi burguer haha, good nickname for that band, I still don't understand them, I guess also their English is not so american as we know it, when reading their lyrics at least that's what I notice, good stories several of their videos and this one was light, because I also plan to talk about the most shady ones that have been made for that band

It is a great and intense band with a very particular style, I enrich your review by telling you that the video was directed by David Brodsky, who has also directed videos for bands like Behemoth and Cannibal Corpse, who are also great. In addition, that video was filmed in the forests of New York, not many people remember this peculiar fact (amazing in my opinion, what makes an impeccable direction), the demon woman is played by the model and actress Sarah Ann.

By the way, the actor of the lumberjack (if I'm not mistaken) is Mr. Doug Bradley (better known as the terrible "Pinhead" from the movie Hellraiser. Doing a little research here and there I found the information.

Es una gran e intensa banda con un estilo bien particular, enriquezco tu reseña comentándote que el vídeo fue dirigido por David Brodsky, quien también ha dirigido vídeos para bandas como Behemoth y Cannibal Corpse, que tambien son unos sendos hierros. Ademas ese vídeo fue filmado en los bosques de Nueva York, no mucha gente recuerda ya este dato tan peculiar (asombroso a mi parecer lo que hace una impecable direccion), la mujer demonio es interpretada por la modelo y actriz Sarah Ann.

Por cierto el actor del leñador (si no me equivoco) es el señor Doug Bradley (mejor conocido como el terrible "Pinhead" de la pelicula Hellraiser. Investigando un poco por aquí y por allá di con el dato.


Por aqui la imagen de wikipedia del actor:



I didn't know this information and it enriches the history behind the music videos, good thing he is still alive haha, I thought he died because of the time that has passed, beautiful actress, I'm going to look for her to see how she looks today, the scene information is great because being a natural site, I think it gives more effort and detail to the video, I thought the stage was fake haha 😅

datos que no sabia y enriquecen la historia detras de los videos musicales, que bueno sigue vivo jaja, yo pense que se murio ya por el tiempo que ha pasado, preciosa la actriz, ya la voy a buscar para ver como luce hoy, el dato de escena buenisimo porque al ser un sitio natural, pienso le da mas esfuerzo y detalle al video, yo pense era falso el escenario jaja 😅

The video is so well directed and edited that it really seems like a studio set, plus that song in particular has its story, which among other things, was written during/after (I'm not clear) a trip with hallucinogenic mushrooms, and yes Dig a little, you will enjoy the story (I won't give you spoilers so you can search, because the truth is it is very interesting). That man is a legend, although he is known more for pinhead than for other things 😀

Esta tan bien dirigido y editado el vídeo que realmente parece un set en estudio, ademas esa canción en particular tiene su historia, que entre otras cosas, fue escrita durante/después (no lo tengo claro) de un viaje con hongos alucinógenos, y si escarvas un poco, disfrutaras la historia (no te hago spoilers para que busques, porque la verdad es bien interesante). Ese hombre esta una leyenda, aunque se le conoce mas por pinhead que por otras cosas 😀

Music videos are my life brother hahaha, no wonder you're doing this review, I just watched the original and it's just wonderful. It doesn't matter the genre, as long as it's great work. Thanks for sharing this review, love to see you in this nascent community...

glad because now I have room to talk about those youtu videos I like and tell why I like them 😃, many music videos are like mini-movies and are very good stories that enrich the music 😃

contento porque ahora tengo sitio para hablar de esos videos de youtu que me gustan y decir el por que me agradan 😃, muchos videos musicales son como minipeliculas y son muy buenas historias que enriquecen a la musica 😃

PromeX doesn't need to understand anything, he just enjoys it and that's it hahahahahahaha It's strange that you like the queen... You make me horny!! (The music is good haha) What is she doing alone in the forest? Well, it's like little Tiffani... alone in a city with chemistry books in the middle of monsters... she's up to something haha

PromeX no necesita entender nada , el solo disfruta y listo jajajaajajajajajja Que raro que te guste la reina.. me Tenes arrecha!! (Esta buena la música jaja) ¿Qué hace sola en el bosque? Pues es como la pequeña Tiffani.. solo en una ciudad con libros de química en medio de monstruos.. algo trama jaja