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RE: The Winner of MAcFiT Champions League in Season 5 is...

in MAcFiT2 years ago

Wow, great final, congrats to both! And double congrats to @merthin for his second Champions League win!
With your great step counts, now we have lots of pressure to also do well on today's final. Not really active yet, but usually, my stepping picks up late in the day, so we'll see. Time for a walk soon, that's for sure.


is Consolation Cup also going to hit high 40s?

 2 years ago  

Maybe from @grecki-bazar-ewy, but not from me. Almost 35k (34826 steps to be exact). Maybe not sufficient for the final but that's really the best I could do today, I even counted my run.
You never know, but I wouldn't expect my actual report before late afternoon my time at best. !lolz

What’s the best thing about Switzerland?
I don’t know, but the flag is a big plus.

Credit: thales7
@merthin, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @manuvert
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (1/2)

thanks for the heads-up. You had a very solid step count
@grecki-bazar-ewy typically posts mid-day, so we have to wait