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RE: Reply to @therealwolf's Post About Brainstorming the Future of HIVE

in Hive Think Tank4 years ago

Social apps do work on the block chain. Most of the people that made the switch from steem to hive did so because they value their freedom. The reward pool issue has been a part and parcel of the last several HF's at steem to "Try and Fix it", it has not worked.

I still think the first issue for the first Hard Fork of Hive should be focused on fixing the Witness Selection/Retention issue. This should be our number one priority as a new community, this is after all what caused the schism with steem, and is still causing issues on steem.


I think changes to the blockchain should be focused around security not prosperity. I think prosperity is achieved at the application layer. I think we are in a position to create real use cases for HIVE so we don't need to resort to HODLing being the main value proposition.