Paper Fiat trade for Constitutional Silver at Local Coin Shop 6/1/2023

It is hard to beat the Local Coin Shop, fiat paper for Constitutional Silver trade, especially when they let me pick the Coins. They got this:
I got these beauties, all United States of America, Constitutional 90% Silver Dollars & Dimes:
IMG_9115 (1).jpg
There is, also, a semi-key 1926-S Mercury/Liberty (Good Condition), in the stack.
IMG_9114 (1).jpg
And check out the Gold plated clad, Dollar & a Quarter change, they gave me, which I used as a tip, at the Golden Corral Buffet, afterward:
This is not intended to be any kind of financial advice. This is all about a fun hobby, of collecting, stacking & sharing Silver Coins, Treasures, and such. Thanks again for checking it out, on #silvergoldstackers, where Stackers show & share their treasures, thoughts & ideas.


Bilge rats, you're snapping these up by the fistfuls while I could only one coin here, one coin there. To the lucky goes the spoils. Great pickups @cve3

You cannot have enough dimes, @cve3!! Save them from oblivion!

Nice score on those Mercs, that 36 is in pretty dam good shape.

A great selection of silver. Excellent for stacking !

In my opinion, each 90% Silver Dime can end up with the Spending Power of 100 of today's Fiat USD's, once the Special Deals are Announced and Offered by the U.S. Treasury...

Nice pickups! Way to keep on stacking, silver is always going to have way more value than paper....

That's that good money pushing out the bad money stay stacking partner

Nice additions. I love adding merc dimes if the are priced the same. Not too shabby 2oz and ~$3 FV 90% all for one funny money bill. Keep stacking!!LUV

Your collection is just awesome. All these coins looks so beautiful and amazing. The way we have seen it today is that we have seen a huge increase in the price of silver. It's very good for investor's.

A nice addition to your collection.

This currency still have more value

Very nice. The Olympic dollars are a good add and you can never go wrong with Mercs. I just picked up another 100 at auction myself.