What a Gift it would be... Chapter 5

Hello Everyone, i hope you are well. Today marks the fifth consecutive day of me posting another silver coin. This is actually a challenge/initiative that came out from @silverd510 and the gist is to create 12 consecutive posts about silver coins that you would like to receive as a present for Christmas.

In the past 4 days, you saw coins related to Greek mythology and Japanese culture, most of them colored ones. Today i will show you something entirely different which also is the cheapest one and possibly the cheapest silver coin i will ever post here with a price of 29.80 pounds, around 35 euros.


Imagine being "unemployed" for so many years and finally, before retirement, you have to start working. In a way the coin is a tribute to this :P. I am joking i am joking, this is a coin for The Coronation of His Majesty King Charles III 2023.

This is a 1oz silver bullion coin and around 150000 exist out there. To tell you the truth it's a pretty cool coin, or maybe it may seem so in my eyes as i got used to seeing the queen over and over again basically everywhere.

I believe most of you that are involved with silver coins already got this one, but for a noob like me who only has 2 silver coins in total, this one is only on my wish list for now. Given its price tag though, i believe that i may manage to buy it in 2024!

Who has it already?

Day 1 Medusa
Day 2 Great Wave of Kanagawa
Day 3 Kiyomori
DAY 4 KOI Fish


I wouldn't mind having it but this one ain't too fancy

can't say i disagree :p