Cleopatra 2 oz Silver Round

It's been a while but I found the elusive Cleopatra. Well, my wife found her. She had put her away for safe keeping. So safe that even she couldn't find her.

Now I don't even remember where she was found, only that my wife happily exclaimed "Oh, there's Cleopatra!" and then quickly put her with the few other silver coins we had.

Her plastic case is scratched all to hell, but she still looks pristine inside there. I was happy to find that her price had gone up since I purchased her because I got her, the Dalai Llama and the well used yin yang coin for $150 USD and I see that she alone is going for about $200 CAD now. I don't even know the name of the company that made them but I see others online so they aren't fakes.

Thanks for having a look!


This is really shining bright I must confess

That is the first round of the Egyptian Gods series from Provident Metals. They were originally produced by the Elemetal Mint, but they are no longer in business. They have continued the series but I’m not sure who produces the rounds now.

I missed out of this series, if I had the choice of only one of this series it would be Cleo.