
I still haven't seen more than a few epidodes on the new serie 😁
Mabye I should do it this weekend and then bug you... What happens?
What episode are you on? 😁 Lol

Mandalorian is badass. Me and Luna watched both seasons in like a week 😁

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That is soo cool that you did 😉 awww..
Father daughter time... Love it.
Mandalorian rocks and I only seen a few epidodes cause something always comes in the way... Lol
But this weekend I Will just chill and hopefully catch up.. Lol

Growing up I always watched Boxing on tv with my dad, not cause I loved Boxing but I loved spending time with my dad.
It became out thing to get up in the middle of the night and get some snacks and watch tv.
No matter how tired I was... I never missed a night.. I did fell asleep on his shoulder at Times but... ❤️ Loved it

That is frig'n awesome. They like watching my shows, or at least, tell me what ones to watch LOL! 😘