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RE: Bringing Precious the Silver Mermaid to Life with AI Art

Way back when I was writing the Pirate stories of Captain K for @dixiesilverminer Precious has a set of peculiar powers, one being she appeared at the appropriate age of the observer, Captain K was a 12 year old Pirate Captain, and looking at her she would appear to be a 12 year old mermaid even though she was chronologically 6,000 years old. As Neptune's youngest daughter, don't let her beauty, well mannered and overly cheerful disposition fool you, the other Mermaids, Mermen, lesser Greek gods and even the Kraken fear her.

Maybe having her wear a silver with gold pokadot bikini top would be easier.


I don't even think I could get it to do a silver and gold polka dot bikini...

The mythology you've done for Precious sounds great though. I wasn't aware that you'd put some work into fleshing out her backstory. Care to link me up?

I never did finish this series, currently 7 parts and looked like up to 16 parts to the arc. Chart of the Moon Goddess Part 6

Previous Episodes of Chart of the Moon Goddess

Chart of the Moon Goddess; Part one – The gods play chess
Chart of the Moon Goddess; Part Two – Gamelon
Chart of the Moon Goddess; Part Three – Precious the Mermaid
Chart of the Moon Goddess; Part Four – I Dream of Flying
Chart of the Moon Goddess; Part Five – Knight takes Pawn
Chart of the Moon Goddess; Part Six – Room for One dragon and a Princess

Sorry, this was back in the Steem days, I have yet to revise the links.

Nice work, thanks!

Yeh, the whole STEEM thing is a bit annoying. Most of my best work is back there. The text comes across to HIVE blockchain but all the old image links are at which I am sure will die some day...