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RE: Silver Poised for Imminent Breakout

It did touch $30 USD earlier today before pulling back some. Over $40 CAD which is exciting to see, I hope it doesn't blastoff too soon for my before my next Dollar cost average purchase.


I'm ready to order when you are. With prices going up, that $500 minimum order is looking too minimum nowadays for free shipping. We know it's not really free, right?

I appreciate that support very much PD. The Premiums are effected by Inflation and mostly Trudeau's asinine Carbon Tax.

I'm sure you're already sitting on a Fortune... Anything less that 900 Fiat Dollars per ounce is a good buy...

Actually... Anything less that 18,000 Fiat Dollars per Ounce of Silver, is a "Good Buy"...

More than I care to admit in both gold and silver.

Time for me to head to the Nursery... I need water emitters and Swiss Chard Seeds...