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RE: Buying or Selling?

I will continue to accumulate gold, silver and crypto. I plan an exchange of silver to gold at ratios of 45:1, 40:1 and 35:1. My conventional investments I will be further reconfigure into more a defensive posture. Extend and rotate my emergency long shelf life foods. Check the soundness of my Solar powered power generator and Berkey water purification system. Enlarge my veggie garden another 10 sq ft.

I have long reached my personal stacking goal.
I'm stacking more for my siblings and extended family than for myself.
I just happened to pickup some coins last week at a coin club auction.



You have a very precise plan. I like it! Stacking for your relatives is wise. You get an A+ for your prepping as well.

Thanks @daveks
Some of my relatives think I'm nuts and that the government will bail them out of any bad economic scenario. They know I stack, so when things turn bad I'll expect some phone calls from them. Still others where impressed that I even have a portfolio of Crypto which is way over their heads. Anyway, I hand out silver coins to nephews and nieces for Christmas knowing each recipient gets one in their favorite theme.