Look what I was able to Release from Captivity...

in Silver Gold Stackerslast month (edited)

Big Gold...2.jpg
I personally think the Orange Stuff is Gold, but I don't want to let myself get too excited...

No wonder the Brown Rock "is" so heavy...

I still have 99% of the Rock remaining, so whatever you see in the picture, multiply that by 100...

Oh wow, this is starting to resemble my version of the Reset...

I think the Heavy Brown Rock is mostly Gold, "if" that's what the Orange Stuff is...

The Bubbles that helped make the Gold Rings, tell me that the Microscopic Gold comes together to form larger pieces...
Awesome Discovery...8....jpg
The reason I didn't see Orange Particles in the Blue Solution is because they were all so tiny...

The small bubbles that formed the Gold Circles, were able to tell me that the Gold comes together...

I figure the Brown Copper dissolved and stuck to the metal plate, which released the Tiny Microscopic Gold looking Particles, which also began to gather on the metal plate...

They sure were able to form into some fantastic looking shapes and patterns...

The tiny Gold Particles started to cling to each other until they became big enough to remain in the Coffee Filter...

When they dried, they took on hundreds of different shapes and sizes...

I'm very pleased with what I'm finding out, by just using my Wild imagination...

This must be how truths come into being...

Now, when I look at the Heavy Brown Rock, I'm able to imagine how the tiny gold looking particles must have been held captive by the Copper...

My Wild imagination had a lot to do with my discovery...

This is how I was able to come up with my "Fine Tuned" version of the coming U.S. Monetary Correction...

Our Coinage was being held Captive by the Central Bank Owners and their Fiat Dollars...

Once we dissolve the Federal Reserve, all our Coinage is going to be like the Gold that was being held captive by the Copper...

I like to experiment, when I'm searching for answers...

This post is made up of three comments I made to when answering replies...

This is why I like people to ask questions, and tell me what they think...

It makes it so much easier for me to write...

I even liked when Rust was brought up, when someone saw all those Orange Shapes and Sizes...

After all, who's going to believe I made a Huge Discovery, where the Gold was Microscopic in Size, and being held Captive by the Copper...

Judging from the amount of Orange Stuff that started to form after the Copper was dissolved, sure did open my eyes...

So much was released from the Copper that the Ore may contain as much as Ten Ounces of Gold for every Pound of Ore...

Multiply that by 2,000 pounds in a Ton of Ore...

I'm not totally convinced it's Gold, but if it is, I have a Major Discovery on my hands...
In my book, tt still doesn't top my "Fine Tuned" version of the U.S. Monetary Correction, but it does come in Second...

I have to add this photograph to every one of my Blogs now...
I'm going to have to read the story of the Lost Breyfogle Mine again...

I heard different versions about how Rich the Ore Samples were, but they all seemed different, so I can't rely on anything but "Rich"...

Don't be afraid to comment...


So cool, Cheers!

I know what I want it to be, but who knows...

So this is ore you found in a mine and started chemically breaking down?

Are you able to take the part you think is gold to have it anazlyed?

This is what I found, that was locked into the Heavy Brown Rock... I only dissolved the outer most part of the Rock... I think the Orange Stuff was Microscopic in Size and locked into what I now believe is Copper... When I dissolved the Copper, the Orange Stuff was released, and started to Cling together... I'm sure I can find a place to have it tested, but I've still been doing my own investigation into what I think happened... I lost most of my connections many years ago... I use to do my own assays, but I got rid of everything I would need now...

Oh, ok. That would be awesome if it turned out to be gold! 😁

Just so you know... The Day will Come when One Ounce of Silver will get you Two Ounces of Gold... Just added... In the Very Near Future, (Phase One) it will take 10 Ounces of Silver for One Ounce of Gold, before the Silver/Gold Ratio goes to 1 to 1 in Phase Two...

I hope so! I've got a nice chunk of silver I could convert when that happens! 😁

I wouldn't convert until we go to Phase 3... And beyond that, I don't even want to consider...lol...

Every mining company would love to have that kind of core sample results.

I just watched a couple more videos showing Gold Precipitate and it didn't shine until it was melted... I'm becoming more and more convinced I found Microscopic Gold, and lots of it...

You received an upvote of 90% from Precious the Silver Mermaid!

Thank you for contributing more great content to the #SilverGoldStackers tag.
You have created a Precious Gem!

You're definitely on the frontier of a powerful discovery I hope 🤩🤩🤩 this brown stuff better be Wakanda's Vibranium

I'm hoping it will melt, but at Present, I don't have what it takes... Plus, the U.S. Monetary Correction is so close that I need to focus my attention on what's important to others... Start thinking about Electronic Coinage, the Quantum Financial System and Star Link...

It's good to prioritize... So I think the monetary should be your primary focus

I've mentioned "Flipping the Switch" before, but I never thought it would be such a Big Switch... This Switch must be the one that Shuts off the Central Bank Owners System...

Wow that's a really big switch 😳😳🤔🤔

I personally like using Physical Spending Power, but I will pay my Bills using Electronic Coinage...

Smart, how about crypto? What are your thoughts on someone fully relying on crypto (stable coins)