Turn Pennies and Gold Bars into Electronic Coinage...


In order for the Central Bank Owners to get their hands on U.S. Electronic Coinage, they will need to buy it from the U.S. Treasury, using their Gold Bars...

If they run out of Gold Bars, I'm sure the U.S. Treasury will gladly accept Silver Bars...

The fastest way to obtain United States "Electronic Coinage" will be with Common U.S. Coinage, at Face Value Prices...

For those of us who have no Common U.S. Coinage, Gold Bars will get us $90 in Gold Coins or Electronic Coinage per ounce of Gold...

I'm sure the U.S. Treasury will pay $9 in Silver Coins or $9 in Electronic Coinage, for every ounce of Silver...

Once Electronic Coinage is obtained, it will freely Circulate all over the World and remain "Stable"...

After One Hundred Years, $100 in Electronic Coinage can still be Exchanged for a One Ounce, $100 Gold Coin, $100 in Common U.S. Coinage or anything a person is willing to Spend $100 on...

Yes, Electronic Coinage can be used with your Cell Phones...

Banks around the World are going to need and want our U.S. Electronic Coinage...

Banks will need to pay for Electronic Coinage, like anyone else...

I figure our Electronic Coinage will be used all over the world, and it's Value will remain "Stable"...

One Ounce of Gold will buy me $90 in Gold Coins, $90 in Electronic Coinage, or any Combination of both...

We will Pay $90 and use that Ounce of Gold to Mint $100 in Gold Coinage...

We will Pay $9 for an Ounce of Silver and Mint $10 in Silver Coinage...

I'll be using my Common U.S. Coinage to get my hands on Electronic Coinage...

What will you be using to get your hands on Electronic Coinage...???



Greetings @pocketechange ,

I hope you are correct....that means it could happen in other countries as well...sounds so logical.

To answer your query....coinage...


What I came up with is much better than what the BRICS came up with... Currencies backed by Silver and Gold "Coins" is much better than Currencies backed by Gold and other "Commodities"...

Yes...I saw the part about other commodities and thought....instability immediately...yes...your plan is a good one. Cheers!

I can't wait for the day, when I won't need to write about it any longer...

This concept of electronic coinage is so fascinating to me big bro. I'm getting more and more curious about how the value will stay stable over time. It seems like a great way to integrate traditional and digital assets.

There will be no inflation using a Stable Monetary System... Electronic Coinage will be 100% backed by our "Circulating" and "Collector" Silver, Gold, Platinum and Palladium Coins... Items will continue to Fluctuate in Value, due to supply and demand... Non-backed Digital Assets will be replaced by our fully backed Electronic Assets... The System will remain Stable because 100 Pennies will always equal $1 and 100 Dollars will always equal a One Ounce, $100 Gold Coin...

Oh wow indeed big bro, that's it, since 100 pennies will remain 1 dollar 🤔🤔 I guess it would be stable then wow !PIZZA

Pennies will be Stable, because they will be 100% backed by our Silver, Gold, Platinum and Palladium "Coins"... They'll never be backed by Paper Promises... If the truth be known, our Pennies are already backed by the Staggering amounts of Silver and Gold... Not many people are aware that "We the People" have Staggering amounts of Silver and Gold standing by, that has nothing to do with what's stored in Fort Knox or other obvious places... Trust me...

I trust you big brother, 💯

Take a "Wild Guess" and tell me where you think "We the People" have Staggering amounts of Silver and Gold "Standing By"...

Let me guess... Emmmmmm 🤔 coins, jewelry, and possibly digital assets like ETFs, ensuring decentralized backing for electronic coinage.. hope my guess is right 😂😂😂😂

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