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RE: 2020 Somalia Silver Elephant Coin for #WorldCoinWednesday

I started stacking because I was inspired by the community stackers of YouTube who uploaded videos about the silver and gold they were accumulating. It just made so much sense to me to save in silver and gold. After a few months of stacking, I too decided to open a YouTube channel to then started blogging in steemit and now Hive to share my journey in saving precious metals. I am glad to hear that my articles on precious metals inspire you, @psychkrhoz. It makes the time and effort doing these articles so worth it!
I appreciate yourthoughtful comment, my friend, @psychkrhoz. Have a fantastic day, and take care🥰🌺🤙


pls do share your youtube channel. atleast in some little ways i can receprocate your kindness. i know i will learn alot from your videos😊.

Ummmm... there are just a handful of female stackers in YouTube, And unfortunately, my channel was trolled by some peeps, so I stopped uploading videos and deleted most of the earlier ones. But here is the link to my channel, and do enjoy it. I've been uploading videos via 3Speak here on Hive lately. Did you check out the video on this article above? O usually post only a minute long videos. Thanks again for your support, my friend!