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RE: Argentinas Choice : US Dollar or New Gold Standard?

I like this guy! He has “thrown down” against the establishment and appears to be motivated not by money or power but by his own theory of sound governance, rock n roll, and philosophical asskickery. Can hardly wait for Dec 10th! ⚡️👊😎⚡️

…as far as going with the dollar, I believe it to be a GREAT decision: there will be no transition time. Just boom! We’re spending dollars now — (everybody) judge accordingly. Going fwd they could do BTC, gold or whatever, but this guy is coming fast with chainsaws and an agenda.


It's going to be fun to watch. I'm expecting him to meet very stiff resistance from the bureaucrats and deep state that are going to be very much in his cross-hairs. Probably even worse shit-fuckery than what Trump faced. I hope he takes his chainsaw with him wherever he goes! LOL