The 30 Pictures 30 Stories Challenge - Day 14 - Silver Coins


Day 14 - Silver Coins

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I got inspired by the "30 day not-so ordinary ordinary items challenge" but as I love giving things a personal twist, I decided to change the format a bit for myself so it suits me better. I've adjusted it to the 30 pictures - 30 stories challenge. But some days you will see that I also use not-so ordinary ordinary objects.

Feel free to join the challenge at any time if you like.

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Publish one picture a day during 30 days and write a story about that picture. This can be anything, any object in the home, a person, scenery or a pet. I'm going to share a diversity of pictures and challenge myself to step outside of the box.

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Although I've been interested in silver coins since my Steemit journey, it was not until about a year or so ago that I actually started purchasing silver coins. I started off easy by buying one in Hungary that didn't need to cross borders and would be received fairly quick compared to some overseas orders. It's the one on the top right that was the first one, you can read about it here: My first silver coin has arrived: Janos Pilinzsky collectors coin in case you're interested in silver. I was happy when it arrived but also eager to order another one soon.

I believe the second one I ordered was more up my sleeve because it was more a design I really fancy, namely a dragon. You can read about the buying and receiving process here: Dragon 1 oz Silver 2021 Australia. I was quite pleased and eager to buy another one soon.

I remember browsing a lot for a third coin before I actually bought it, eventually I ended up buying this phoenix, which turned out to be from the same series as the dragon, which I only discovered until after I ordered it, lol. Check my post about it here: Chinese Myths and Legends Silver Phoenix round arrived.

Now I have to explain why the dragon is the only one not covered in a nice plastic protection case. When I wanted to take the picture of the three coins together, I accidentally let that one fall and it fell on the tile floor. I thought it was fine at first, until I took it out of the plastic bag and saw the cover was cracked. I will buy a few of these as reserve when I hunt for these cases and probably buy a new silver coin at the same time because I'd like to start buying silver more often now.

Which one is your favorite out of these three?

Thanks for stopping by!


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Hard to choose between the three.
They're all great!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I would defo go for the phoenix or dragon but between them it's hard :)

Thanks for stopping by, I will hopefully add a new one to my collection, also found a box for the coins I want to purchase but not sure if I should wait a little longer until I have more, haha.

Silver fever is up!

I don't think I can choose between the dragon and the Phoenix as I love them both. They're both stunning. Very cool indeed. And a good challenge to get into. Maybe I will...Just posted a post after months of nothing, and had this almost ready weeks ago haha. I'm terrible.