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RE: Bringing Precious the Silver Mermaid to Life with AI Art

in Silver Gold Stackerslast year (edited)

Does anyone have any great ideas for what we could get her doing in other pictures to help build out her persona?

I am a stupid monkey. All I can think is she needs bigger boobs.

Why don't you ask chatgbt for promo ideas? Which is also great at writing for dall-e prompts in case you don't know ;)


I have to admit that I do very much love big boobs and that was tempting. We do have a few really great lady stackers here so thought that over-sexualizing her might be a mistake. There is probably a line somewhere between sexy and slutty that we could aim for.

Thanks for the AI tips too. This is all pretty new to me so I'm on a steep learning curve and any help is appreciated!

Yeah makes sense, size is just fine to be honest and the mermaid looks pretty cool 😂

…great minds

More like degenerate minds

Hahaha that would be more perfect🤣