Surprise Santa from a Blockchain Badass!

Every year our group #silvergoldstackers does a worldwide Secret Santa gift exchange. This however, was a totally unexpected surprise. The same day I picked up my secret santa gift (that I didn't know was my gift) I got this box in the mail.

Typically your gift will show up and will have Santa as the sender. This one I recognized and that threw me for a loop. Cautiously I opened the box in case it was booby trapped.

Once opened I saw some Sasquatch Surprise Special Batch Potato Chips from the PNW. HELL YEAH!!!

@summertooth you are a BADASS!!!


As I dug a little bit deeper I saw more stuff. First thing that caught my eye was this sweet notepad for an Squatchy encounters I may have. Next to it was a small spice jar. Oh boy he sent me some PNW Chronic...Nope. Even better it's some homemade Adobo seasoning!!! I haven't used it yet until I made this post. Now it's fair game.


Just when I thought it couldn't get any better I find a small pink bubble wrap bag. I opened it up and HOLY SHIT! It's a nice sized Pyrite Cube! These pics suck and don't have anything to reference size, but it's kickass. I don't have any Pyrite in my rockhound collection and this is an impressive piece.

Just crazy how they grow like this in nature. Perfect cubes and some smaller cubes growing off the side. I'll have to get some loop pics of it for the full effect. Check out this bad boy!


I don't know what to say other than a BIG THANK YOU! This was unexpected and totally brought a smile to my face. @summertooth you are the MAN!

Proud member of SilverGoldStackers! By far the best group on the Blockchain.



Nice package and the Pyrite cube is just... GREAT !

Thanks @tazi ! I'm guessing this Pyrite is from Spain or Peru as they have the best examples. Always like adding to my rock collection.

That Pyrite is awesome @vgholdingsllc !! We had some in Colorado, but nothing like this cube!!
You know this is the time of year Sasquatch migrates North from Oregon, so that pocket guide will come in handy!!😉
I read somewhere they have a fondness for Tim's Potato Chips!!😇

I don't know that I'll have any chips left for bait. These things are delicious! One day me an Squatch will meet up and split a bag. LOL

Lol he's probably watching now!!😳

Very cool, indeed!😎👍

My thoughts exactly. What an awesome guy he is!

What a great package! 😃 I actually have a post in my Drafts folder about pyrite, but mine isn't a cube, but a flat "Pyrite Sun" disc! And I didn't get potato chips & adobo with it, either! 😭 LOL

I'll be watching for that. And being the slacker I am, I still have to get your package in the mail. Too much packing, selling and throwing stuff out lately.

Oh and those chips are awesome! Some kind of a sweet BBQ flavor that is really tasty.

Hey, there is no hurry on that little package! Even if it's weeks or months later, hey... it's all good! Sweet BBQ flavor sounds awesome! 😋

Looks like a fun package , I hope the chips were tasty .

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They were very tasty! Some kind of tangy BBQ.

That is really cool. I thought at first it was a real gold cube and I was like dang I need a secret santa! What do those chips taste like? They look really interesting. That is cool about the Adobo seasoning as well. I have a bag of the stuff I got from my wife's aunt and it really makes our homemade taco seasoning so much better!

They were some tangy BBQ chips and really good. I can't wait to try the Adobo seasoning. This weekend it will be put to the test. Thanks for stopping by @bozz!

A Pyrite cube! What a gift from @summertiith!

He is awesome. That Pyrite cube has me wanting more. LOL I was looking at some cool ones earlier I might have to order. Good to hear from you @silversaver888 !