My Self Introduction

good evening everyone I hope you all are good today, this is my intro post and also it will introduce me to the community properly

hay! my name is shazaib, I'm 21 years old, and I'm from Islamabad, currently, I am single, my mother is a housewife and my father have their own business,


I am an ordinary gamer, I'm playing those games, Grand Theft Auto V, Minecraft, Need, Resident Evil Village, and more.
I found risingstar and this one is a crypto game, that gives you by playing it.
I like to play cricket, I'm an expert and I feel happy whenever my all friends are together on the ground.

where I served my duties

I worked in a call center for 2 years, then I left because of some personal reasons, I have a Youtube channel where I upload games videos, and I'm also working on Fiverr as a graphic designer, I'm an expert on CorelDraw, Adobe Illustrator,

My adventure

I am new in crypto and blockchain, hive community introducing to crypto and blockchain, they are thought all things that I asked to them, Thank you hive community, I'm reading lots in hive blog and going to keep reading on it.
Soon I will start blogging because o need some information about blogs, Thank you very much
#myintro #hive


Hello @shazaib7908! This is @chillwithshanna from @ocd (Original Content Decentralized) team. We saw that you already posted your first blog here in Hive! Congratulations and welcome!

It's also best to subscribe to Communities you like and share your blogs there to have a wider range of audience. Or you can check out the Communities Incubation Program.

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Also, letting you know since content on the Hive platform is monetized, using other people’s ideas or images could be considered as an offense and which is also viewed in a serious light on the blockchain. Here is a useful collection of resources about how plagiarism and abuse is viewed and handled on Hive.
Happy Blogging!