Wednesday with bug : Fascinating Insects

in The macrophotography3 years ago

Fun Wednesday!

Hello hivers!

The colors that are neatly listed on each side of the road become the arrangement of your eyes, after the rain usually the colors of the plants become brighter. Feeling very cool on the body, a bug began to appear in the dry leaf session after the rain stopped. Why did this happen? sometimes it's very difficult for me to start with them. Small and minimal that's for sure, every leaf swing is so pronounced I have to be more careful to attract the bug.



It's my first step on this trail to engage with a bug, but I feel a little more confident about capturing some of those moments during my photo shoot.




I think it's something fun this Wednesday. I also had a lot of fun this Wednesday with a metallic bug.






Bug have the characteristics of a very luxurious life, why does that happen? they live wild by adjusting to the environment. Actually the pier is one of the places where wild animals survive, that's why I also often visit open tourist spots, there we find a lot of peace in the forests, birds decorate the colors of the forest to be beautiful.

I also invite @balte and @onealfa to feel the peace of this mystical forest, I think it's my fun trip on Wednesday.

Category NameMacro Photography
UseRealme + Minolta macro Lens


Certainly a wonderful post with some very nice macro photography. I would also make a suggestion... @tattoodjay from #teamusa hosts a #wednesdaywalk challenge. You can see this awesome community here:

Perhaps visit this community... maybe even join in! Who knows... you may meet some wonderful new people!! Have a wonderful day today!

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