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RE: TeamNL: December 2023

in Dutchland5 months ago

Glad to hear :) yes the list came out roughly instantaneously. I’m always amazed how fast this database stuff is. Non-expert talking here :).

Im planning a regular witness rankings history post in the future. Already scripting it. I could hack some country sorting maybe from that. I’ll keep you posted if I have something useful 👌

Thanks for the reblog!


I have about 700 people in my file, but most are inactive, for now. It still only takes a few minutes rather than over an hour.

Do you have @verhp11 on your list? He hasn't posted in a month or so, but I hope he will be back.

Hi Steve, thanks... I have not left :) But been very busy with work and some cool musicprojects.. Will be back soon.

Good to hear it. Hope things are good with you. Enjoy the music.


Hey @verhp11, here is a little bit of BEER from @steevc for you. Enjoy it!

We love your support by voting @detlev.witness on HIVE .

Ah I will put him on the list for the next post. Thanks! And 7 hours is quite something! Nice speedup :)