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RE: The keys

Spare keys - you realise just how much you need them when you lock yourself outside. You realise just how much you don't need them to be found when someone else finds them (my latest post).

I've locked myself out a couple times. It was an expensive problem to fix without a spare key. I remember the last time I somehow managed to do it, it came down to deciding which would be cheaper : breaking a window or calling a locksmith.

I called a window replacement guy the following day lol. That particular incident was brough to me by a craving for ice cream 😐 Sliding doors with hair trigger locking mechanisms suck! Having a spare key nestled away somewhere safe rocks!


Ice cream seems always to cause problems, usually through there not being enough! However on occasions it causes one to be locked out of the house too. The proof of this is in your story! Pesky ice cream.

Lol I still love ice cream even though it was the cuplrit. I should have got that stupid door fixed sooner, but shortly after that I always had a spare key squirreled in the garden.

Ice cream could bite me hard on the ass and I'd still like it!