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RE: The keys

I’ve had my fair share of devastating experiences but losing my keys on the two occasions I’ve did rendered me utterly disoriented. The first time it happened was in the day so I had the time to call someone to come take out the locks and change them.

Second time was at night, I was calmly in an Uber heading home to a warm shower and my sweet bed after what seemed like an unending day. I suddenly felt the urge to check for my keys and they were gone. I nearly lost my mind. I needed to be in my house and not calling any friend to accommodate my ass. My best friend was out of town and her spare key was in my missing bunch. I cried that night and ended up sleeping in an hotel.

Now I’d be a complete fool if I didn’t take measures to prevent this from happening again so I gave out a spare from the new keys to a friend and also found a hidden spot and stashed another spare within the premises of my apartment. I haven’t lost my keys again since then and I hope I don’t.

Please check with your friend, that entire lecture Conversation might just be the universe trying to give her a subtle warning. 😅


The experience of being locked out certainly is good motivation to have something prepared. It seems you learned very well and now have something prepared.