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RE: Isaac Newton's third law

in Outdoors and more4 years ago

These are some brilliant photos here though. I zoomed in a bit to see the empty shell though.

Back in secondary school, they explained recoil with conservation of momentum; mass of bullet multiples by velocity of bullet= Mass of gun multiplied by recoil speed. something like that.

I'm not used to guns so I'd be a bit spooked initially but shooting one is something I'd love to do. As you said though, movies and games make it seem so ordinary to pull the trigger.

So how do you cope with watching some action movies that trivialise it? For me, I could enjoy the movie because I have zero understanding of it but for you, it probably looks like bullshit


So how do you cope with watching some action movies that trivialise it? For me, I could enjoy the movie because I have zero understanding of it but for you, it probably looks like bullshit

Watching movies that depict shooting is difficult for me as I'm always picking out faults...And there are many.

Only tonight I watched one where a sniper was represented as taking a shot at over 1200m at a guy in a fast train that was travelling at 238kph. From right to left. The shooter (Will Smith) dialled in about 2MRAD of windage...But the wind was coming from behind him at about 3-4 mph judging by the waving grass behind him. The wind was coming from his 6 o'clock so no windage was required. Just dumb.

Most wouldn't see that though. The movie was Gemini Man with Will Smith in case you want to watch the stupidity. Lol.

Lol I heard it is a nice movie but you just ruined it for me before I even see it 😄.

Lol...Sorry brah. 😇

Lol I've always suspected it was bullcrap though. If you read some of my movie reviews, you'll notice I'm always whining about how much I hate them ridiculous Hollywood cliches and shit.

No idea are good for entertainment, not knowledge. They rarely contain much one can rely on.

Hahaha, I watched that movie last week and thought the same thing. And that just one scene. So many impossible shots being made in that movie, but lots of action for folks that don't care I suppose.

It wasn't a bad movie...The shooting though. Lol. Funny stuff.