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RE: Isaac Newton's third law

in Outdoors and more4 years ago

That Sir Issac was one smart feller to be sure.

I think the photos are just great, it really does show the firing and recoil process. Nicely done.

In the real world I rarely ever shoot over 8 meters (25 feet) as that's the range I perceive to be my operative range. Farther than that and I expect options that may not include the trigger. Over that is likely to be suppressing fire.

I love standing behind (and just right of) a shooter so I can see where the brass hits. You can tell a lot about the grip and targeting by the size of the circle the brass lands in.

I REALLY like that you suggest to your brother that he take 'professional' instruction. Not just for accuracy but range safety. Nothing makes me quit shooting quicker than some dickhead pointing his gun anywhere but downrange and down. I just leave.


I'm a long range shooter at heart, a marksman, and love my long guns. I like shooting handguns too though, and am pretty good with them. When I teach someone to shoot, which I do a lot, I always start with safety...Too many idiots out there without me creating more.