
Oh really? Same name?

Yep. Same name.

I've met them, so can verify their names. You and your Faith are largely theoretical to me :)

Yeah, maybe Galen isn't even my name huh?

I've got that pretty well in the believable file. Your brother has called you by it, good enough for me. Now his name I wonder about :)

Haha, well I'll tell you the truth over a beer someday. :)

I think I never told you I had an Uncle named Galen. Everybody called him Chris :)

Most of my mates call me fucker, but then that's what I call them too so...Fair is fair. Lol.

Back many years ago when I had Facebook I started a Galen group...I basically just friended every Galen I could find. There were something like 300 in it. It was a bit weird but kind of funny. I have only met one other here in real life, we compared drivers licenses as neither believed the other. It was a young lad. A musician here in Australia called his son Galen a few years back...It was also the name of one of the planet of the apes apes, and Galen Erso was a character in Star Wars, one of them Star Wars. I don't mind the name but when I was a young kid got teased a bit because my name wasn't mainstream...I prefer my middle name though. It's Welsh.

These days with all the multiculturalism in Australia I don't think it's classed as too weird.

Chris huh? I get called a few different things, Lawrence among them, but mostly by my name. People's names are important.