My "Inner Dora and Tarzan" in one Wild Adventure!😎

Oh Hi there!.😍 Whew, the past two weeks (my absence in Hive) were pretty exhausting. Being the event coordinator of our recent school activity, and my involvement in the newly organized council in our school which also requires more paper works and yes, my Graduate studies made me want to crawl into the mountains, escape, and never come back from these filed up tasks which drained me mentally. Yet now, finding myself writing despite these hilarious tasks somehow gives me a temporary break to be “myself” again and tricks my mind into indulging nature as I recall my last adventure of exploring and discovering uncharted places in the countryside.


Two weeks ago, before I succumbed to these exhilarating tasks, thank goodness I was able to explore and have some unforgettable outdoor adventures and discoveries. So, come with me today, as I reminisced my adventure, and let’s escape together on our busy day, (wink!) In 3, 2, 1, Let’s go! Tarrraaa!

My co-teacher gleefully announced that his friend knew three (yes, three?) caves that we could explore. Fueled with excitement, I packed all my hiking gear paired with my cheap yet trusty trekking shoes. 😉



Holes and darkness

We departed before the sun could even rise (that’s what I imagine it would be), unfortunately, my hiking buddies arrived late letting us embark on our adventure under the scorching heat of the sun. Who minds this after all? Every moment in the outdoors is an opportunity for adventure and fun, right?



Our guide was already waiting for us when we arrived at the drop-off area. Without further delay, we walked beneath the trees, going uphill. He said the cave was nearby, only that we had to find it ourselves. Well, that sound challenging which also hyped up my adventurous spirit.


Soon enough we found the small entrance of the cave. The locals we met along the way told us that the cave we were about to explore was once their place of refuge during the height of typhoon Yolanda.



Our excitement to see the wondrous world underneath pushed us to race to get to the cave. The cave’s entrance was too narrow for two people to fit in together. It was dark and disappointingly too cramped to accommodate all of us at once.




Nonetheless, the spectacular formation of stalactites and stalagmites captured our attention. Although there was not much space to roam around which honestly didn’t meet my expectations, however, the company of people I was with at that time and the surprise that this tiny cave held was what made the adventure.


The adventure didn’t just end there because we explored another cave which took us to pass and overcome the dense vines that were blocking our way. The vines were a great obstacle, but it was the part of the activity that I enjoyed the most.



If the first cave was a little uphill climb, the second one was a challenging downhill climb. I needed to apply my Tarzan skills and grip on vines so I would not slide and inadvertently take my buddies along with me. Haha!



As we descended, I noticed that the atmosphere got even colder, and the vines got lushier. We had to dock, bend, take a big step hold tight to the vines at the same time keep our balance. It was supper thrilling and because of this, I rate this part of the adventure as 8/10. Hehe






After our Tarzan-esque mode, we arrived at the mouth of the cave. And I think faith had a little trick up on me, because instead of the huge cave filled with wonderful rock formations that I expected, what appeared in front of us was a huge mouth of the cave filled with bats. Yes, bats, and nothing else. huhu




It was a good thing that the trail was challenging and fun-filled, that I never felt any disappointment for the cave. As true to what the saying goes, it’s not the destination, but the journey that matters. While the cave was not as wonderful as I expected it to be, still I had one of the most unforgettable wild adventures.


After exploring these caves our group decided to go to our next destination and conclude our trekking for that day with a delightful lunch on the beach.

It was another delightful wild outdoor adventure!




📚She is a public school Teacher on weekdays, a Jill of all trades on weekends, outdoorsy on holidays, a mother, and a blogger in between. 😉

🍃She's in love with nature and the simple life of the countryside. As a lifelong learner, as she is, she is attracted to learning opportunities and growth.

❤️Join her as she shares life's simple joy and its beauty through traveling, exploring nature, the wonders of creating things through some of her DIY, the good things about countryside life, a glimpse of being a Public School Teacher, and more!

If her content makes your heart smile, please leave an upvote, comment, or reblog.🤗


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Never have tried going into a cave.Thank you for sharing your experience miss @callmesmile

It's a good experience and full of wonder as well. ☺️ Hope you could try this in the future.🤗

My fear parin ako pagpasok sa cave. Iniisip ko, what if lumindol while nsa loob? 😅

Beautiful place to explore, I love those things, new places and research, adventure. I loved the pictures!!!😍 Thank you @callmesmile 😃

That's a wonderful experience.

This is indeed a wild outdoor adventure maam @callmesmile . This community inspires me to explore new places and just be out there. Hope to start my not so Tarzan-esque adventures soon. Thanks for sharing thus great adventure..☺️