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RE: Hiking, and multipurpose guy

Hi Galen, I have no doubt that you have already found a good piece of gold or several. This post, besides reminding me of a very good friend, also reminded me of Adler and the meaning of life. The meaning of each person's life, what life is for him/her, is in what he/she does. Best regards


I really like this guy, he just feels so settled and happy to me, content with what he does, his place in the world. I think that's a nice place to be and would make life quite enjoyable overall.

26 minutes ago
I really like this guy, he gives me the feeling of being ve
I think finding a place in the world, where to be happy and to be able to make the people we love happy, is quite an achievement. And the place of the person you're talking about, I also think it's a great place to be.