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RE: The confession

in Outdoors and more4 years ago

In real life I try to fly under the radar, keep a low profile. I'm actually a very shy dude (when not doing my job) and so just kind of fade back. Of course when with people I know it's a different story. I am a confident person, but that's because of my skills and ability, and not false bravado. I prefer to be the quiet achiever mostly.


This is a good mindset. Similar thinking here. I do not easily attach to people and it takes me quite a while until I get to know and trust somebody in order to slowly reveal myself. I do believe that the preparation for the greatest victories is done in silence. Let success speak for you. And with people.... I prefer a small circle. I think I could say there are many acquaintances but few true friends. I came to the conclusion it is better to be a shy person rather than an explosive one. You learn more through observation and listening....

Learn more through listening is correct. One also learns more when they don't always presume to be the smartest person in the room. There's many around here who would do well to learn that I think.

Yeah, very true. We must never assume we know it all