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RE: Isaac Newton's third law

in Outdoors and more4 years ago

A lot of fun yes. I think I'm a good person to go shooting with and I am very safe, know a lot of stuff and make sure it's fun! I like to think I represent shooting and firearms responsibly.

I understand you are nervous; You should be because guns and very dangerous when not used correctly and treated with respect. Just listen to your instructors and do what they say, you'll be fine. It's not the guns you have to worry about, it's the other people there doing the wrong thing...Although on a military range things are managed fairly strictly. You'll be fine, although it won't be as fun as if you were shooting with the G-dog bro!


Hahahah! No doubt about that man. I'm sure they are not gonna mean to make it fun for us! lol

Yep...Won't be fun. You'll go ok though.

Yeah, whatever that would be, I'm going through anyway! ;)

That's it mate. Go through it, learn some skills and make the best of it as you can. You'll get to shoot some cool guns and one never knows, you might be really good at it...They may train you up as a sniper. 🤞

Wow! That's some next level shit! :D
But you are right, who knows. ;)

Lol, I am sure anything that involves you would be really fun.

Yeah, I like to have fun and like to think I'm fun to be around. Not always though of course.
